Electronic Virginia Petition of Qualified Voters
Frequently Asked Questions
What is this?
This site allows you to electronically sign petitions for Democratic candidates so that they can be on the ballot as candidates for the Democratic nomination in the June 8th, 2021 primary. We noticed different candidates were collecting these electronic petitions in different ways. This site allows you to sign multiple petitions at once for statewide and for House of Delegates candidates.
How does it work?
When you submit the form, your electronic signature is applied to an Adobe PDF form created by the State Board of Elections. That form is then sent to each of the campaigns you select directly.
What happens with my data?
Our site does not store or retain any of your data, with the exception that if you check the "Share this email address and my ZIP code..." box, we will keep your name, email address, ZIP, and locality so that we can pass on your information to your local Democratic Committee. Your petition information, and in particular the last four of your SSN, are never stored or retained on our system. However, that information is entered into the petition form and sent to the candidates directly, as if you had completed a petition with them directly.
Why is the last four of my SSN required?
As part of the court agreement allowing electronic petitions, and because there is no real witness to your completion of the petition, the last four digits of your Social Security Number are required to submit your petition online. We understand that this information previously was optional, and if you do not feel comfortable completing this information online, we suggest reaching out directly to the candidates to offer to sign a paper petition.
The petition looks partially blank. Is there a problem?
Phone previews of the petition form seem to make it appear like parts of the petition are not filled out correctly. If you view the petition on a computer or in a PDF application, it should be completely filled out.
I am a candidate. How do I get added?
Send us an email at info@vadempetitions.org and please include the Candidate Information necessary from the SBE petition form and where you would like the completed petitions sent.
What if I have other questions or issues?
Feel free to reach out to us at info@vadempetitions.org.